Welcome and introductions.
(in order of sign in):
Brian Bannon NCCOEM, Robbie McCray NCC ARES/RACES, Shanequa Williams NCCOEM/ESC, Marny McLee DEMA, David Wilson NCC Fire Chiefs Assoc, Lt. Frank Piectrazak NCCEMS, Emily Coggin NCCOEM/ESC, Dave Carpenter Jr. NCCOEM, Dr. Carl Wyche DTCC, Jill Graham NCC ESC, Jerry Picard DelMarVa Red Cross , Lt. Michael McGowan NCCPD, Bob Coyle NCC Emergency Communications, Susan Eggert NCC Community Services.
New Castle County Citizen Corps overview presentation – Dave Carpenter Jr. New Castle County Office of Emergency Management – past and present focus and goals for the future
New Castle County Coordinator of Emergency Management, Dave Carpenter Jr. provided a brief history and status of the New castle County Citizen Corps program. He outlined the following goals:
- Focused/coordinated public outreach and education under the Citizen Corps umbrella
- information sharing/shared database of volunteers
- improved management and coordination of administrative and registration functions with the Del-Tech partnership
- Continued training and development of volunteers
- Increase the availability of training and instructors
- Build and maintain partnerships and sustain the Citizen Corps Council
Presentation on Delaware Technical & Community College tie-in with the New Castle County Citizen Corps Program – Dr. Carl Wyche
Dr. Wyche presented on Del-Tech's Homeland Security Program and the tie-in with the New Castle County Citizen Corps Program. He also discussed the development of a State of Delaware preparedness model that would be applicable to the project with Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Wyche discussed how Del-Tech can become a volunteer recruiting, training, and marketing partner in the Citizen Corps program while providing a pool of young, enthusiastic students – turned Citizen Corps instructors. See attached PowerPoint Presentation.
Common branding and coordination of Citizen Corps programs Brian Bannon, New Castle County Office of Emergency Management
Emergency Planner Brian Bannon discussed the concept of common branding and coordination of the various Citizen Corps partner programs under one Umbrella of New Castle County Citizen Corps while each program maintains its own organizational integrity, operating procedures, etc. The idea of cross- training and cross-recruiting volunteers by providing them with a common volunteer service menu/program guide was discussed and agreed upon.
Citizen Corps Structure and Development of MOU’s
The Council agreed that each agency would have an equal vote on the Council and that NCCOEM would chair the Council. The Council also agreed that formal MOU's would be developed to clarify funding relationships and outline responsibilities.
Determination of meeting frequency, location, and scheduleThe Council agreed to quarterly meetings.
The next meeting will be at the Del-Tech Stanton Campus -Date TBD
Set action items and agenda for next meeting
Action Item: Dr. Wyche advised that he could provide sample MOU's to NCCOEM to aid in development of a funding MOU for Del-Tech. OEM will develop a draft MOU by the next meeting.
Susan Eggert from NCC Community Services offered the services of a University of Delaware technical writing intern to assist in the development of a New Castle County Citizen Corps program guide/menu of services.
Action item: the Council members should send accomplishments, pictures, logos, mission statements, relevant contact information etc. to citizencorps@nccde.org to be included in the Citizen Corps program guide.
Agenda item for next meeting: Discussion of Districts for organizing volunteers in the county
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