
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Opprotunity to help the chairty organization Supporting Kidds

"Founded in 1989, Supporting Kidds is one of the first organizations in the country to address the unique needs of bereaved children.

The mission of Supporting Kidds is to provide a compassionate pathway to healing for grieving children and their families, and to empower the community to support them in the grieving process.

We believe that when provided support and information, grieving children and their families can mobilize their inner capacities to heal. A knowledgeable and caring community is an essential aid in this process."
On March 4, 2012, the J.Christian hair studio is putting on the 5th annual Crazy Catwalk for Kidds which is aimed at helping the Supporting Kidds orginazation. Last year 1,400 people attended and over $15,000 was raised for the organization. As in past years the event will be held at the Hockessin Memorial Hall, due to the size of the event the orginizers are looking for 20-25 volunteers to help with parking.

If you or someone you know is interested in helping out with this event please contact Bryan Bordon at

MLK Blood Drive

"What type of hero are you?"Is the question being asked by Delaware sate AmeriCorps programs and the Blood Bank of Delmarva during their blood drive to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The event which started Monday the 9th and will end on Dr. Kings birthday and national holiday on the following Monday the 16th is a weeklong event in tribute to his legacy or service.

According to the DHSS press release:

Every donor will receive a button and the great feeling of having helped up to three hospital patients with a portion of their blood. In addition, all donors are asked to fill out a special Hero Card, available at reception and to designate the name of their child's school (or any school they wish to designate). At the end of the drive, the top school in each county with the most hero cards will be treated to a pizza party by Grotto Pizza.

To make an appointment today to give blood during the MLK Day Blood Drive, call (888) 8-BLOOD-8 or visit Walk-ins will be taken as time allows. Donors must be 17 years of age, no tattoos or body-piercings within the last 12 months, have no cold or flu symptoms or recent major surgery. A photo ID (or two other forms of identification) is required.

For more information about the MLK Day Blood Drive, go to

Monday, January 9, 2012

Survival app for winter storm weather

     Is a cell phone part of your emergency preparedness kit? Maybe this survival app app should be too. In this day and age of smart phones and never ending technological advances there seems to be an app for everything. Recently added to the list is the Winter Survival smartphone application developed by Myriad Devices. According to Apple itunes, this free app,
"will help you find your current location, call 911, notify your friends and family, calculate how long you can run your engine to keep warm and stay safe from carbon monoxide poisoning.You can use the Winter Survival Kit app to store important phone and policy numbers for insurance or roadside assistance. You also can designate emergency contacts you want to alert when you become stranded."
Does anyone else have any preparedness application suggestions?

Delaware Citizen Corps Current Events

Communications Corps

New Castle County Citizen Corps